Thursday, June 19, 2008

Playgroups and Playgrounds

This week we've been pretty busy.  On Monday we went to the grocery store to get a few things.  We didn't need much.  

On Tuesday we went to playgroup at the library for the second time.  I must admit, I like my new playgroup, but there are so many kids, I can't dance to the music the way I would like to.  I'm quite a dramatic dancer.  After a half hour of dancing and stories, we go into another room where there are all sorts of stations set up.  These are for art projects, and puzzles, sand, you name it.

Wednesday left us without a car.  (Actually, my dog Vladdy left us without a car.)  I'm sure you can imagine what damage a dog can do to a car that's sharing a garage during a thunderstorm.  I won't go into detail, it's too devastating.  So, we had to stick close to home.  We went for two walks.  (Would have just been one, but once we got to the playground, I had to go potty.  So, my wonderful mother walked me all the way back home.  Then I really wanted to swing, so she walked back to the playground with me.) Once daddy got home, we had dinner, then I went outside with him while he worked on the pool heater.  I was sitting on my mini picnic table when I fell backwards.  I just had to talk about my boo-boo.  It is actually about five boo-boos, all the way down my back.  And then one on my ankle, and one in my armpit.  (Don't ask me how I got the one on my armpit, but it's there.)  

So, with my knees, ankle, back, and armpit, this has become the summer of boo-boos. Apparently, princess-dancers are really clumsy.

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