Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day Tripper

Bodie, mom, and I were so excited.  We were able to make our first day trip to Alma.  Since moving downstate, we've gotten close enough to visit grandparents without having to spend the night.  We went today so that my mommy could go to a baby shower.  (Daddy stayed home in hopes of getting the last of the house unpacked.  Which, by the way, he was able to do.  Go Daddy!)
Mommy took Bodie with her to the baby shower, and I stayed with my mimi Becky and Poppy Reg. We watered flowers and ate some snacks.  Then, mommy picked me up, and we came back home again.  Daddy and I were even able to fit swimming in at the end of the day.  It's wonderful.

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