Saturday, March 14, 2009

Suprising Saturday

Mommy had a book club meeting this afternoon. After nap, Daddy took us on a surprise adventure. We ended up at the Michigan headquarters for Rainbow Play Systems. It was a huge building filled with playsets. I was able to try them all out and just have a good time climbing, swinging, and sliding.

Then it was back home for dinner and our first viewing of Pinocchio. It uses the term jack-ass frequently. My parents may have to explain that to my teachers at school. But it will probably end up okay. In Sleeping Beauty, the bad fairy says, "Now you shall deal with me oh prince. And all the powers of HELLLLL!" When I say it it sounds like this: "And all the powers of the HILLLLLL!" Hopefully, I will come up with something completely innocent for jack-ass, too. We'll have to wait and see.

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