Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Bodie Up-date

On Tuesday, mommy and I took Bodie to his two month well-baby check up. I know, I know, he'll be 3 months in 9 days, but with a mix-up of insurances and things, we had to schedule it just a little late.

He now weighs 11lbs 8oz -50%- and is 24 1/2 in. long -95%-. The poor thing, we had to take all of his clothes off and then sit in the FREEZING cold examination room for a few minutes before the appt. began. It's a good thing mommy brought a blanket with her even though it was 75 degrees out at 8:30 am. So we bundled him up and waited. Then he had to get 5 vaccines. Four of them in a shot form and one given orally. He was really hungry, so he sucked the oral one down like a champ. The shots, however, weren't so yummy. He jumped as all of the needled were jabbed into his little legs by a very nice but not so gentle nurse.

Once we were on our way home, he fell asleep and didn't wake up for quite awhile. He's been fighting a teeny fever for the last 24 hrs which is to be expected, but other than that, he's been our normal happy baby.

The picture is from the day Bodie finally got his thumb out of his tight little fist so that he could suck it. It took him 11 weeks to figure that one out, even though he had been trying to do it almost every waking minute since he was born.

Bodie loves me so much. I was the first one to make him smile. Mommy plunked him into the bathtub with me the other night and every time I said something to him he laughed so hard. He really liked being in the bathtub with me, but since he can't sit up by himself mommy had to hold onto him at such an awkward angle that her arms fell asleep and her knees wouldn't work quite right. So, I'm not sure how often that will happen in the near future.

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