Bodie has yet another ear infection right now. We've just gotten word that his appointment with the Specialist will be Tuesday the 28th. We were informed that it would take at least three weeks to get in, but because Bodie has had 8 ear infections since just after Halloween they put a rush on him. We are really looking forward to getting Bodie some relief and back to his normal happy self.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Bodie has yet another ear infection right now. We've just gotten word that his appointment with the Specialist will be Tuesday the 28th. We were informed that it would take at least three weeks to get in, but because Bodie has had 8 ear infections since just after Halloween they put a rush on him. We are really looking forward to getting Bodie some relief and back to his normal happy self.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Holiday Dance Show
Here is a video of the dance we did for the people in the Senior Living Center. It was a little holiday recital that we did for them as a gift. I'm the one on the far left. White shirt/dark blue and white kilt.
Snow Day!
It's really hard to try to keep me entertained on a snow day. This Sunday was kind of like a snow day too because it snowed so much we were told not to go anywhere. We made Shrinkey-dinks.
We did other art and crafts too.
We played LOTS of board games in front of the fire.
Bodie and I snuggled together in Mommy and Daddy's bed and read books.
And then things got a little crazy!
Monday was a full-on Snow Day! Nobody had school it was SO boring! I did NOT want to have to stay at home with Mommy and Bodie. I wanted to go to school! But it was really a good thing. Towards mid-morning both Bodie and I ended up with really high fevers that we haven't been able to shake. We've now been put on anitbiotics and I really don't want to miss my school Christmas Program this evening. I'm feeling much better today. Mommy kept me home in the morning so that I could rest and sleep in as much as I needed. Then she took me in just after lunch. Right in time for my class and I to walk to the high school so we can practice tonight's performance on stage!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Big Girl Teeth
Do you see my Big Girl Teeth that are growing in there?!!?!?! I haven't lost any of my baby teeth yet, but those two teeth are pushing my other ones right out of the way. Mommy keeps telling me to try and wiggle them so that I don't have to have the Dentist pull them out in February. But I'm a little worried about wiggling them.
Mommy-Bodie Days
During the week, when I'm at school, there are some days when it's just mommy and Bodie. First, Mommy makes Bodie work shoveling snow or other things, depending on the weather.
Then they walk around our new house and explore the yard. Although, they can't do this anymore. We have too much snow and it's hard for Bodie to walk around in it.
Once they get good and cold, they come in and heat up with some hot chocolate. Bodie's hair looks like this for the rest of the day. Static City!
They play with cars and trains. Plus they both talk on the phone a.lot.
But the best part of their day is the cuddling and tickles that happen while I'm not there to steal some of Bodie's attention away.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Ears, Ears, and More Ears.....That Are Infected.
Over the last month, our poor Mr. Bodie-boy has had 7 ear infections. All of a sudden. BAM! An ear infection here an ear infection there. He barely has time to get over one before he's got another one. As of Monday, he's been given two weeks to be infection free and without any signs of fluid in his ears. Otherwise, he will be headed to the Ear-Nose-Throat Specialist for tubes.
Since I've been in school, Bodie has come up with a new thing he likes to do. He will stand at the bathroom sink forever playing with his bath toys. He turns on the water and makes his fish swim in the waterfalls. He turns the water off and puts his fish to bed. That sort of thing. It can go on for a long time.
Mommy has been trying to find this video for so long. It's from almost a year ago. We practiced and practiced to do this just right!
First Day of School
Here I am! All ready for school with my lunch, backpack, raincoat, and boots.
Daddy took me took school on my first day and the principal took our picture.
The coat room, where I have to remove all the rain-gear that I just barely put on.
This is me waiting to be released at the end of the day. We made Racoon head-gear to go along with the book "The Kissing Hand" which we read.
Back home again after an exciting first day of school. It's been over three months and I still love it!
Bodie Sings
Mommy showed us her favorite movie from when she was my age....ANNIE! Both Bodie and I LOVED it. We both like to sing all of the songs.
Monday, September 06, 2010
Noel's 1st Dance Comp 9\4\10 (19 photos), by Holly Nelson

I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Click here to view photos
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Bodie Skeered!
Otherwise Known As
On the 4th of July, I was in the Harbor Springs parade with all my dancing friends. It was really hot and it was a really long parade. We have renamed the 4th of July to The Day of Really Long Things. The parade started at one and I didn't come through until 230. Mimi, Papa, Bodie, and Mommy waited and waited and waited for me. Mommy and Papa were standing in the middle of an intersection where the parade route turns. Mimi and Bodie were about a 1/2 block down under an awning in the shade. Bodie was scared of the band. He said the drums were "mo-sters". He cried and cried.
Daddy was in the parade with me. He helped by carrying the banner.
Papa tried to get Bodie to smell the flowers in the window of the shop where he and Mimi were stealing the shade. He's asking papa, "dis one? Bode smell dis one?"
Bodie finally picked which flower he wanted to smell. He said, "Mmmmmm... Smellsch good!"
When we got home from the parade it was about 3. Mommy decided to put Bodie in bed for his nap so he would be fresh as a daisy when it was time for the fireworks. Except that he never woke up. He slept and slept until 715 the next morning. This was another of the really long things that happened to make us change the name of the day. I was able to stay up for the fireworks. They were great! Mommy stayed home with Sleeping Bodie. It's really good that he slept through them since loud noises scare him.
Blue Fairies
On the third of July we headed to Traverse City to watch the Blue Angels. Thankfully, my parents informed me a few days before that they were, in fact, air planes and not beautiful fairies with sparkley blue hair. Because that was what I was expecting to see. Once we got there we had a picnic lunch and I started to complain that I was cold. Then, once I realized we were at a beach, I decided that I was hot and needed to swim. Mom and Dad told me that it was too busy and yucky to swim in the lake that day and I should just be happy that we were in the shade. We were in the shade because Grandma Mabel and Poppy got to the air show only 5 HOURS before it started so we could have a good spot. But I was NOT happy. I begged, and pleaded, and was very nice, and was very mean and still they wouldn't even let me put my feet in the water. THE NERVE!
Bodie played with Poppy's ears, and hair, and mustache while we waited for the show to start.
Good thing Grandma Mabel brought her "pirate things" so that I could look around to see if I could spot the planes first.
This was near the beginning of the Blue Angels. Right as they swooped over our heads. Before they did this Bodie said, "Wow! A-planes! Pretty awesome!" Then when they swooped, he had a convulsion or something. He wasn't paying attention and didn't know they were so close. They were really loud and scared him.
He pretty much looked like this for the rest of the air show. He kept saying, "Bodie, skeered! A-planes LOUD. Boo Angels skeer Bodie."
After the air show we were both very tired and hot. We slept in the car and then went to Mabel and Poppy's on the way home to have malts and hamburgers.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
All Moved In
At the very end of April we were able to move into a house that we are renting for the time being. It is quite similar to our house downstate and we love the area. I was able to have my birthday party here in our house and it was so much fun. It feels like home to us now and we are very happy to be done with the whole moving thing. I love seeing my daddy every day. He comes home and has lunch with us. We go to the beach a lot and if you can't find us sleeping then we are probably playing outside somewhere. We love to be outside. Even in the rain.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Upside-Down and Round and Round
We are in the process of moving back up north. We weren't even gone for a complete 2 years. Now we are back. Sort of.
I'm going to school in two different places. I started school up here last week and I LOVE it! I go all five days a week up here. It's great! Daddy takes me to school and brings me back home at lunch. Sometimes he even eats lunch with me in the cafeteria before we head home.
I'm hoping very soon to have a home of our own and all of my toys with us. For right now we are all together for the first time in 2 months and that is what makes me happy.
I'm going to school in two different places. I started school up here last week and I LOVE it! I go all five days a week up here. It's great! Daddy takes me to school and brings me back home at lunch. Sometimes he even eats lunch with me in the cafeteria before we head home.
I'm hoping very soon to have a home of our own and all of my toys with us. For right now we are all together for the first time in 2 months and that is what makes me happy.
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