On the third of July we headed to Traverse City to watch the Blue Angels. Thankfully, my parents informed me a few days before that they were, in fact, air planes and not beautiful fairies with sparkley blue hair. Because that was what I was expecting to see. Once we got there we had a picnic lunch and I started to complain that I was cold. Then, once I realized we were at a beach, I decided that I was hot and needed to swim. Mom and Dad told me that it was too busy and yucky to swim in the lake that day and I should just be happy that we were in the shade. We were in the shade because Grandma Mabel and Poppy got to the air show only 5 HOURS before it started so we could have a good spot. But I was NOT happy. I begged, and pleaded, and was very nice, and was very mean and still they wouldn't even let me put my feet in the water. THE NERVE!
Bodie played with Poppy's ears, and hair, and mustache while we waited for the show to start.
Good thing Grandma Mabel brought her "pirate things" so that I could look around to see if I could spot the planes first.
This was near the beginning of the Blue Angels. Right as they swooped over our heads. Before they did this Bodie said, "Wow! A-planes! Pretty awesome!" Then when they swooped, he had a convulsion or something. He wasn't paying attention and didn't know they were so close. They were really loud and scared him.
He pretty much looked like this for the rest of the air show. He kept saying, "Bodie, skeered! A-planes LOUD. Boo Angels skeer Bodie."
After the air show we were both very tired and hot. We slept in the car and then went to Mabel and Poppy's on the way home to have malts and hamburgers.
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