So, when mommy and Bodie picked me up from school today I had a few questions. I'll also include the answers mommy gave me.
Noel: Mommy? Where does water come from?
Mommy: *long pause as mommy decided how in depth she wanted to go with the water cycle.*
She decided to start with the clouds. She said that water came from the clouds and once they got too full of water, it rained.
Noel: Oh, that's nice. I meant the water we drink.
Mommy: hmm. Well that water comes from the city and into our house through pipes. *She didn't get too in depth on how the water we drink comes from clouds, then it falls, then it goes into the ground....blah....blah...
Noel: Mommy, where do trees come from?
Mommy: Well..... They start out as seeds and the seeds are planted into the ground and start to grow. Some of the seed grows down and that's the roots and some of the seed grows up and up and up. And after a lot of years, you get a tree.
Noel: Mommy, what if I want a little tiny tree to start with instead of a seed?
Mommy: You know, there are some stores that start the seeds for us, then we can go buy a little tiny tree and put it in the ground.
Noel: Oh, that's nice. It's nice that stores do that for people. How do stores know exactly what people want to buy?
Mommy: This is the question I don't have an answer for.
Noel: You're the most perfect mommy. You're just precious.
That is TOO sweet!
Cute! And now you're on the same precious level as Sleeping Beauty!
I know. I couldn't believe she would use they same word for me as Sleeping Beauty. I really must be precious.
And to think I was perfect even after I didn't have the answer. Wow!
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