Mommy: Noel, hurry up so we can get home to see Barack Obama on TV.
Noel: Rock A Bomma?
Mommy: Barack Obama.
Noel: Barack Obama. When is he gonna come to our house and bring presents?
Mommy: Wow! That would be nice!
Noel: It's not gonna happen is it?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm SO Funny..... At Least Bodie Thinks So!
Sometimes if mommy is finishing something up and she can't get right to Bodie when he wakes up, she has me go into his room and talk to him and entertain him and stuff. And boy can I entertain him. He thinks I'm a great comedian! Who knew a laundry basket and a big sister could be so funny?
At school today we are talking about the color white. So far we've had green, brown, and red. Mommy thought I looked so cute in my preppy white shirt that she took a picture. And I must agree with her: I am quite cute in this picture. Oh, and I've been wearing my hair like this for the past several days. I like it because it keeps my hair out of my face, but it shows how long my hair is...... Just like a princess. After school today, some of my classmates and I are heading to Jungle Java to have lunch and play for an hour or so. I'm excited to check it out. Maybe I'll have some pictures this afternoon.
If I sing this song, Santa will come again soon. Right?
After Christmas I realized that if I sang this song, Santa may get confused about the time of year and come to deliver more gifts. (It hasn't worked yet, but I try almost every night.)
A Girl in the Snow With Her Dog
One day last week was absolutely perfect to head outside with Vladdy while mommy made lunch. It wasn't too cold and we didn't have too much snow. I did learn, however, that I needed to pay attention to where the pool is. Right after mommy took this picture I kept running straight ahead instead of following the dog and I ran right out onto the cover for the pool. Thank goodness I don't weigh any more than about 30lbs. The cover held me up long enough to get back to the side. But I came in crying after that because I was scared. Mommy was laughing at the thought of all the neighbors listening to her scream, "NOEL- GET OUT OF THE POOL!!" in the dead of winter.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
A Note From Mommy.....
Here is a picture of the first time Noel wrote her name in the correct way. Usually she would just write a random amount of N's O's E's and L's all over the page in varying sizes. Today she sat down while I was feeding Bodie and said, "I'm gonna color a E." And she did. Then the next time I turned around she had the O and L right beside it. I said, "Isn't there another letter in your name?" She said, "N! Up down up." Then put it in front of the E -backwards of course- but that's great. (Yes, I know that the E and O are mixed up. It doesn't matter.) Noel wrote her name. ALL BY HERSELF! At the same time she was doing that, Bodie finished his cereal and I started loading the dishwasher. I turned to look at Bodie and he was banging his two fists together - very close to the sign for "more". And I said, "Bodie do you want more?" And he started banging his fists really fast and laughing. So I gave him some cheerios and he ate them all up. Both of my kids were having "firsts" at the same time. Yay!
This is the very seat that Bodie was sitting in when he signed "more". Of course he wouldn't do it for me when I asked him to. At that point he didn't want more. I know he's wearing a pink bib. He doesn't care. His sister LOVES pink and sparkly, and for now he does too. It's what happens when your big sister is a princess. Don't tell his grandma Becky he's got the pink bib on. She'll run out and buy him 7 blue ones just to make up for it. ;)
Amazing right? Vladdy is capable of calming down. We had a very nice day on Monday and she took the opportunity to relax by the pool.
Here's a cute picture of Bodie playing while I was making him dinner. He's trying to eat the tire off his new car he got for Christmas. He will sit in there and play for two hours if I need him to while I'm cleaning. Luckily for him, I don't clean too often.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
A Few Questions
So, when mommy and Bodie picked me up from school today I had a few questions. I'll also include the answers mommy gave me.
Noel: Mommy? Where does water come from?
Mommy: *long pause as mommy decided how in depth she wanted to go with the water cycle.*
She decided to start with the clouds. She said that water came from the clouds and once they got too full of water, it rained.
Noel: Oh, that's nice. I meant the water we drink.
Mommy: hmm. Well that water comes from the city and into our house through pipes. *She didn't get too in depth on how the water we drink comes from clouds, then it falls, then it goes into the ground....blah....blah...
Noel: Mommy, where do trees come from?
Mommy: Well..... They start out as seeds and the seeds are planted into the ground and start to grow. Some of the seed grows down and that's the roots and some of the seed grows up and up and up. And after a lot of years, you get a tree.
Noel: Mommy, what if I want a little tiny tree to start with instead of a seed?
Mommy: You know, there are some stores that start the seeds for us, then we can go buy a little tiny tree and put it in the ground.
Noel: Oh, that's nice. It's nice that stores do that for people. How do stores know exactly what people want to buy?
Mommy: This is the question I don't have an answer for.
Noel: You're the most perfect mommy. You're just precious.
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