Fun Times!
We've had fun getting into a preschool schedule. I'm doing much better, only a couple of tears and a slightly quivery lip when mommy leaves. The teachers tell mommy that I'm the one who had the most fun at school. Even when I slip and fall and end up with a goose-egg on the back of my head.
Mommy and Daddy went to Lexington for a few days. While they were there they were able to head to Louisville to see some of the Ryder Cup golf tournament. They had great time and Bodie and I did just fine without them. Mommy has some funny stories about daddy packing unauthorized things -shaving cream, and face wash- and then handing the carry on to her to take through security. (She could have killed him!) Then, as they were walking away, daddy says, "Well, why didn't they take my razor blades?" Are you kidding me? Just keep your mouth shut!
Once my parents got back, I had some visitors come down.... Grandma Mabel, Papa Clinton, and Aunt Teresa. Grandma Pat came for a day visit as well. I wasn't feeling very well. I had a cold and I was exhausted. So I slept for 4 1/2 hrs before they woke me up. Then the next day I was feeling much better and ended up taking Aunt Teresa to the zoo. The polar bears weren't swimming yesterday, but I was able to ride the train for the first time.