Saturday, October 31, 2009


Mimi and Papa came down to visit us today. Their plan was to put the new knobs on our kitchen cabinets and then hand out candy while we trick-or-treated with both mommy and daddy. And they did exactly that. Above is the picture of Bodie in his costume waiting for the time to go. He was Bam-Bam. He had a club, too. He didn't really know how to use it.

This picture is of my costume. I'm a tootsie pop! We had to wait a REALLY long time for the other kids to start showing up. Luckily, both Bodie and I took HUGE naps today. I slept for 3 hours and Bodie slept for 4 1/2. We were well rested and ready for our late night.

It was finally time.... We headed out with the wagon. We made it to 3 houses before Bodie fell in a huge puddle. :( We had been gone for maybe a 1/2 hour before Mommy twisted her ankle and fell. Bodie had fallen numerous times. At that point we were all cold and ready to head back. Or hobble back as in mommy's case. It was then that Bodie took his club and bopped me over the head with it while saying, "Bam-bam!!"

We did have to trick-or-treat one more time at our own house with our mimi and papa. I could barely wait to get my sucker head off.

Mimi rushed us up the stairs and into a warm bath. But not before I opened the ring pop that Kev and Mon had dropped off while we were out. Since it was a special night, I got to enjoy it in the bathtub. Thanks guys! My favorite part of the night was handing out candy to my "customers". I had so much fun!

1 comment:

Noel said...
